The year is 1984. Prince gave us Purple Rain while Leonard Cohen sang of the broken hallelujah. The nerds had their revenge while high schoolers fought invading communists in Red Dawn. Talking Heads stopped making sense, Madonna re-experienced the loss of her virginity, Springsteen was born the USA, and Nick Cave went from Her to Eternity.There was subversion at the movies with Repo Man, Paris Texas and Blood Simple while pop cinema entertained with Gremlins and Ghostbusters. That’s a pretty good list of movies right there. Also, what child can ever forget the NeverEnding story with it’s glimpses into potential nihilism with it’s references to “the nothing”? American television sets showed us the barroom community space of Cheers, the melodrama of Dallas, and the debut of the Cosby Show from the once celebrated and now villified Bill Cosby. My guest today is Kyle Turver. He is the worship director at Bethany Presbyterian Church in Queen Anne, Seattle. We met a few years ago and have enjoyed insightful conversations on religion, politics, patriarchy and gender issues. Today we talk about several films of 1984 including Footloose, The Terminator, The Karate Kid, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The NeverEnding Story, and Paris, Texas. These films give us room to talk about many difficult issues facing the United States and Seattle-ites. Although we do discuss religion I hope that all people will be able to enjoy the nuance of our talk.