My guest this weak is Sean Jewel. Sean writes for American Standard Time which is associated with Greg Vandy who hosts The Roadhouse on KEXP here in Seattle. Sean and I discuss our mutual birth year of 1978 with films like “Blue Collar”, “Days of Heaven”, plus Bruce Springsteens cinematic record “Darkness on the Edge of Town”. These works get us into themes of class in America, progressive politics, gender expectations, religion, and many other excellent topics.
My guest this weak is Sean Jewel. Sean writes for American Standard Time which is associated with Greg Vandy who hosts The Roadhouse on KEXP here in Seattle. Sean and I discuss our mutual birth year of 1978 with films like “Blue Collar”, “Days of Heaven”, plus Bruce Springsteens cinematic record “Darkness on the Edge of Town”. These works get us into themes of class in America, progressive politics, gender expectations, religion, and many other excellent topics.