My guest this week is Greg Wright. Greg is an artist of many talents and experiences. He has done writing, acting, criticism, poetry, plus theater and film direction. He is also a practicing Christian with strong thoughts and feelings on our current times. Greg and I had never met but we got right into a very honest and direct discussion on movies, religion, politics, empathy, and why it is that we human beings are so naturally divisive.
My guest this week is Greg Wright. Greg is an artist of many talents and experiences. He has done writing, acting, criticism, poetry, plus theater and film direction. He is also a practicing Christian with strong thoughts and feelings on our current times. Greg and I had never met but we got right into a very honest and direct discussion on movies, religion, politics, empathy, and why it is that we human beings are so naturally divisive.
Check out just a bit of Greg’s work at the following sites:
Prodigy Camp: http://www.prodigycamp.org
Movie Reviews at Past the Popcorn: http://www.ilovekent.net/tag/past-the-popcorn/
Current Wonderstruck Writings: https://www.facebook.com/the.real.greg.wright/notes
And then here are my Top 10 films of 1962 just for fun.
1. Lolita
2. Ivan’s Childhood
3. The Manchurian Candidate
4. Carnival of Souls
5. Jules and Jim
6. Lawrence of Arabia
7. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
8. My Life to Live (Vivre sa vie)
9. To Kill a Mockingbird
10. Sanjuro